Discover Everything That’s Preventing You from Feeling Better Now
Founder and CEO
of Bulletproof
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test instructions.
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sample to us.
Uncover your heavy
metal toxicities.
Originally created in partnership with Dave Asprey (of Bulletproof Coffee fame) — this report will help you understand exactly how the hair mineral analysis works. And why it’s so beneficial to your body.
Want to understand your symptoms and which metals might be causing them? Whether you suffer from challenges with your weight, energy, pain, allergies, digestive issues, skin aging, chronic pain or anything else—you’ll discover which metals are likely the culprit.
Heavy Metals are a major reason you’re experiencing brain fog. This toxicity kills your energy production (needed for brain function), affects neurotransmission (how you think) and your ability to focus. In this guide, I will examine how toxic metals impact your brain’s performance and what you can do about it!
Podcast star and
global fitness icon
New York Times best-selling author and founder of Body Ecology
You could spend hundreds of dollars more each month on high-quality, organic food, and still not feel any better…
You could spend thousands of dollars each year on supplements, and get little benefit from them…
You could try diet after diet, and one exercise program after another — and still not lose weight…
And you could try every possible solution for energy – from coffee to adrenal supplements and beyond, and still feel tired…
Originally created in partnership with Dave Asprey (of Bulletproof Coffee fame) — this report will help you understand exactly how the hair mineral analysis works. And why it’s so beneficial to your body.
Want to understand your symptoms and which metals might be causing them? Whether you suffer from challenges with your weight, energy, pain, allergies, digestive issues, skin aging, chronic pain or anything else—you’ll discover which metals are likely the culprit.
Heavy Metals are a major reason you’re experiencing brain fog. This toxicity kills your energy production (needed for brain function), affects neurotransmission (how you think) and your ability to focus. In this guide, I will examine how toxic metals impact your brain’s performance and what you can do about it!
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